The Dog Wash

Full information about Establishment The Dog Wash at 110-112 West Street, Oldland Common, Bristol, Oldland Common, England BS30 9QR. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


110-112 West Street, Oldland Common, Bristol, Oldland Common, England BS30 9QR
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Phone number:
+44 117 932 7300



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The Dog Wash

Reviews about The Dog Wash

  • Wendy Isaacs
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    Took my 8 year old rescue scruffy mongrel in for her first ever clip. She gets really hot and uncomfortable in the summer and her coat gets easily matted. She's a bit of a timid thing and didn't know how she'd get on.

    The lovely ladies at the dog wash really looked after her and she came out transformed - beautifully clipped all over, very neat ears and a beautiful tail. She seemed none the worse for her pamper session.

    We've just returned from holiday and her new coat gave her a new lease of life - she was much cooler and seemed happier with more energy. Will definitely be keeping up the new look and continuing to use the dog wash. The £40 for the 2.5 hours they took was well worth the money especially as there's now less drifts of dog fur for me to pick up at home!
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HOME - The Dog Wash
Dog Grooming in Oldland Common, Bristol
Dog Grooming, Groomers, Dog, Clipping, Trimming, Brushing, Bathing, Hand Strip, Nails

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